Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Poor boys - stuck in the battle for the title

I don't know why but when you start having conversations with people (not your family) who are married and living it up everyday, you gain so much real time perspective to what your life is going to be like. Many a times, I have noticed two statements being used for the boys - the wives will say "oh he's such a muma's boy" and the mother will say " he's governed by his wife". I mean its utter chaos for the man who is trying to handle two people (not to forget women) who he supposedly loves and cannot live without. But then again the guy species isn't at all about balance. It is rare that you find a masculine soul who knows it all and can handle it all! They always float amidst opinions until they finally don't give a damn and do what they feel like.

Women try very hard to strike a balance initially and eventually give up. Nevertheless women are so opinionated that they don't care about what others think of them in this threesome handling task. So what if the MIL (mother-in-law) thinks I govern him, it just means she's jealous! - would be the typical statement in a woman's mind after she has done her bit to please both sides and settled to please the hubby only.

Its very similar to buying a wedding dress for oneself. Initially one gives a crap about what everyone would think of it, say about it etc and eventually when one finds the right one that fits, boy one doesn't care! In fact it is when one starts imagining people talking crap about it just because they are jealous! 

Well In this episode of desperate housewives, Gaby (the snobby rich mexican's not so well off wife) goes to buy her wedding dress with her hubby and his mum. The mum-in-law is obviously bickering about how expensive the dress is and Gaby has crocodile tears while over-hearing their conversation. Poor husband can't see his wife in tears and cannot deny that the dress is actually very expensive! Finally he buys the dress for Gaby while consoling his mother that she's the one he loves and cannot see her unhappy at any cost ( not even quite a few thousand dollars!).

Both angles show love for the husband in their own form but the one who wins take the point! This points fight is what continues throughout life until one woman finally gives up! A compromise is generally very rare I guess. So if the wifey wins -you get a wife-governed man and if the MIL wins - you get a muma's boy! Simple as that. Wait, the man yet again has no say. He is just swayed along in the battle for the title!

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